
Lp. Nazwa Sygnatura Plik
1 150408
2 150548
3 X v. Switzerland Application no. 16744/14)
4 A v Australia Communication No 563/1993, 3 April 1997 CCPR/C/59/D/560/1993 237, 282, 312
5 A v. Director of Immigration; AS v. Director of Immigration; F v. Director of Immigration; YA v. Director of Immigration HCAL 100/2006 & 10, 11 and 28/2007
6 A. and others v. the United Kingdom 3455/05
7 Abid Saeed v. Director of Immigration and another HCAL 70/2011
8 AFFAIREA.A. c. GRÈCE 12186/08
9 Alexandre Achughbabian v Préfet du Valde- Marne C-329/11
10 Al-Khateeb v Minister for Immigration and Multicultural Affairs [2002] FCA 7