
Lp. Nazwa Sygnatura Plik
1 M 21 K 04.51494
2 339478
3 Acosta González, Agustín y otros s/ extradición A. 2112. XLII.
4 Adam and others v. The Knesset and others (7146/12); Doe and others v. Ministry of Interior and others (1192/13); Tahangas and others v. Ministry of Interior (1247/13) 7146/12, 1192/13, 1247/13
5 Adan UKHL 67; [2001] 2WLR 143; [2001] 1 All ER 593; [2001] 2 AC 477 (UKHL, Dec. 19, 2000)
6 Adimi QB 667 (Eng. HC, Jul. 29, 1999)
7 AFFAIREA.A. c. GRÈCE 12186/08
8 AII, Somalia 2006/18-180 (Sw. ARK/CRA, Jun. 8, 2006)
9 Arslan C-534/11
10 B.N.N. v. Minister for Justice [2008] IEHC 308