
Lp. Nazwa Sygnatura Plik
1 165525
2 75574/09 [2009] NZAR 355 (NZ RSAA, Apr. 29, 2009)
3 36966
4 Recurso No. 66 / 2006
5 Sentenza No. 457/2010
6 Adam and others v. The Knesset and others (7146/12); Doe and others v. Ministry of Interior and others (1192/13); Tahangas and others v. Ministry of Interior (1247/13) 7146/12, 1192/13, 1247/13
7 Adan UKHL 67; [2001] 2WLR 143; [2001] 1 All ER 593; [2001] 2 AC 477 (UKHL, Dec. 19, 2000)
8 AFFAIREHUSSUN ET AUTRES c. ITALIE 10171/05, 10601/05, 11593/05 et 17165/05)
9 Al-Rahal v Minister for Immigration & Multicultural Affairs [2000] FCA 1141
10 Apablaza Guerra, Galvarino Sergio s/ arresto preventivo A. 1579. XLI.